it all started on a not-so-beautiful wednesday afternoon when priscilla went to west mall to buy sharona's present and also for her greedy self. then she saw the bill. when she looked in her wallet, she had $9 but she thought she had $7. so she told this lady cashier that i had not enough money!!! wah lao! damn shit lor. then when she was walking out of the stall, she reaslised that she actually had more cash! then she realised that she had $9 in stead of $7!!! wah lao. then she was so angry she kept cursing herself!
haha. then in school so fun. we made up more privaite jokes. here's to li ann and jer : THAT noodles. and 1,2,3...SEAWEED!!! lolx. then haha. we are just so crap. and i'm so BLUR. not fat liao. just BLUR.
Wait Outside
Date Created: 160208
Image taken by Sherylene
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