OMG OMG I LOVE THIS CD! ok haven't opened it yet, haha so excited. i like. sooooo nice!! but i really wonder why lu gave it to me. :).
sunday's concert went well. saw asriel and gideon. and i sort of chatted with them. so exciting. wear the blazer. so fun lah. make me look so smart. but can hardly breathe. so funny. i was like ms sim! cannot breathe! then she was like learn to breathe. !!!. then i was walking gid to the gallery then he was like "so hot lah!" then i was like "THEN ME LEH?!" then he was oops. haha. so hot can. somemore walk until want to die lah.
i missed the whole first half! gr. but it was worth it. so funny lah. keep walking up to stairs then say "walk up to the third level then turn right". i know seeyue won't believe that i did it. HAH. but i did.
how sad. sitting beside luwin was so funny. he was like trying to spot chio bu's. and only keisha passed the mark for him! so evil! haha. but keisha is pretty.
i shall miss shereen and smantha next year. how sad.
Wait Outside
Date Created: 160208
Image taken by Sherylene
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Lyrics in image by All Time Low, Jasey Rae
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