Mood - Happy :)
Music - Princess hours soundtrack
Okay pretty much 99% of things are from my xanga.
Yes. Minifair was honestly MINI. In the past it was crowded, and the quadrangle would be filled with game stalls. This time, there was like. 2? great.
How "crowded".
Walked around. And I some chocolate fruits. I wish there was more fruits compared to chocolate. Its nicer.
Cotton Candy!
p.s. the guy that did it really sucked. Thats why only April bought it. :)
Went to help with hair braiding yay!
My deepest apologies for my very first customer.
Her hair turned out atrocious sigh.
Only from the third person onwards did it looked presentable.
The second girl even went "do you want to redo it?"
HAHA.But I was in a rush to select my subject combi. So um. TOO BAD FOR HER HAHA.
I admit yuenny's hair didnt turn out too good. HAHA. :)
Kudos to Yuenny for doing my hair!
I helped her do her immensely long hair! :)
I went back up to class, only to be greeted by the awfully strong smell of nail polish.
As the saying goes, if you cant beat them, join them.
Wow that was a long post. hahha.
Today was a good day. Thank God (:
I'll attempt to blog about the class party tomorrow! (but dont be surprised if i dont. It should be on my xanga then.)