Mood: Happy :)
Music: Athlete - Beautiful
JB day was yay yay yay! We totally FAILED in our mission, but it's okay because we still had lots of fun :) Daidi which I totally owned at, Bluff which no one dared to lie because Gis and I were awful good at spotting liars hehe, Indian poker which had no forfiet because we love each other too much (haha), and some super crazy game Giselle introduced to us which had my sister complaining that she could hear our outbursts of screams from 3 levels down (oops) and some other game that Cheryl introduced that didn't work out at all because she's so bad at giving instructions hehe :D
Transformers was our movie pick instead of Camp Rock or Mean Girls but still good nonetheless woohoo
And look at the silly photos we took haha
The rest are with Cheryl can't wait to get them! =D And we weren't dressed like this throughout it was dress up time haha.
And my mum is seriously pissing me off. She keeps asking me to "do something productive" aka tidy my room, my study room, the living room...sigh.Labels: Holidays