HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICOLE DARLING! :) *hugs* Let's see. I've known you since. P2. Wow that's pretty long. More than half my school life. er. Try 7 years. WOW THATS HALF MY LIFE! Heh so yea, i've known this beautiful girl called nicole although 7 years ago, none of us were very beautiful, tall, tanned, nice, smart. but now, nicole's grown up to be all beautiful, tall (tho not as tall as me! :P), tanned, nicer than me, DEFINITELY smarter than me. whee.
I remember in p2 you used to eat the same noodles everyday HAHA. And er. you were with claire voon (whos in US now). and we only came close in p3. then some funny misunderstand happened and we kinda werent friends for few years. :(
but then in sec one, we were friends! :) and we've been goodest friends ever since. haha I really miss sec one man. oh my all our funny jokes of the year.
1. Gummy drop from heaven 2. Gummy's money drop from the sky (OMG THAT WAS SO FUNNY) 3. Dominoes. although only YOU find it funny 4. SUPERMAN! 5. Indian man 6. Two Palms 7. Falling over Xiao
and I cant remember the rest. Oh my it was really really funny. We'll have more of those senseless jokes again i promise!
Wait Outside
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