Hoorah to my 1000th post. I henceforth blog too much.
Okay here's a rough overview of my holidays:
Sunday: Met up with Seeyue and Mf to go shopping and celebrate our belated birthdays. So although we all got stuff, none of us paid for our own items. Seeyue the shoppaholic even got her mom to come over so she could get more items. It was just so fun, hanging out like we did in sec1. Things to so fun for us (like Seeyue and I whining to Mf about the silliest things) that...
On Monday we decided to hang out again and met at KAP to study. After that my very awesome Ac066 came and then it was then we realised our biggest flaw. We are most effective when we are not having meetings. Ironic but true. So from now onwards we are not going to have many more meetings. Instead, we are just going to meet to allocate work, and work from home. It's much better that way. So that we won't waste time on Youtube watching people dishing out fashion advise like wearing a 'rad bigini wif juz gins' or pairing 'leperd preens wif car key green pants', or taking a bus down to BTP to play pool :)
Tuesday was just a rot at home day. Either that or I can't remember what I did. Oh I remember! I had tuition. And before that I was studying with Mf.
Wednesday was playing the harp, and studying.
Thursday, study study study! OH OH. Then I went to meet Gerald and Ziteng for some catching up, and for goodness sake, I do not have a blue neck! Haha. We played pool and I got trashed. Okay I am just not strong enough. And being left handed and having sweaty palms which make for un-smooth bridges really does not help. Maybe I'm not fated for pool.
Friday was a visit to the Reuter's building, and CIP, and then I met up with Luke and Lipin.
Okay it was quite happening after all. The first week of school was so dreary. Sleeping near 1am every night, the earliest I got to was 1230. Nice.
And now it's 1220. I need to sleep. Goodnight world!