Yesterday, i bake muffins for xiao and they turned out..okay la. and it was fun. so basically yesterday ended off on a happy note.
Today however, sucked. morning and music was fun. And tiffany gave me her Nutella! (: and and we bought some farnee yoghurt and we were feeding among ourselves each other's yoghurt thing.
then values sucked all the way.
borefore values ed, so-and-so said "eh can you guys act more...real etc etc" then when bernice and i wanted out of this play, the same so-and-so said " eh no bernice you cannot go out cos you act very well." OH RIGHT.
then this-and-that commented when i said i wanted out "oh i'm sure priscilla, you really want to act" oh shit the hell up man. I really dont wnat to act now. initially, maybe, but your attitude and behaviour totally killed my passion for it. OH RIGHT.
then our script is so shitty, because of this certain mrs blah.we proposed our fashion show idea to her. then she said "you all cant do this. not everyone's gonna be on stage. its every parents' joy to se their child on stage. evn if it's just a minor role blah blah bla..."
so in the end we had to go back to square one and have this not-so-fantastic idea. while 2d/s is doing a fashion show and having a good time out there.
then today the same mrs blah said "why are there so many people on stage? what's this group doing there. how come they are just standing there? we need some people of stage..."
you know...whatever! i spend my lunch break talking to gis and ranting about our same displeasures. hahha and i didnt even wnat to go for handbells today. =/
Wait Outside
Date Created: 160208
Image taken by Sherylene
Image Hosted by Flickr
Lyrics in image by All Time Low, Jasey Rae
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