Mood: Tired :O Music: Oliver James - Greatest Story Ever Told
I'm sooo tired! (then again, I'm always tired hehe :D) So today was pretty much an okay day. Woke up at almost 11 because I slept at an insane late hour of 1am. (See? I'm a very good girl now =) ) Then went to visit Grandfather and wasted a lot of time stoning :( Came home, DID MY AMATH TYS oh my goodness I'm so proud of myself(: Went for tuition (I'm doubly proud of myself!) AND actually did my work. (Now I'm triply proud of myself!)
Went to West Mall, bought ankle guards at the orders of my mummy who wouldn't let me run my 1500m event that Lyn strangely signed me up for without my permission unless I bought them. So bought them, and bought eye drops to refresh my tired eyes, and I wanted to buy wet wipes for school, and transparent plasters for the fun of it, but decided against it because I would seriously be spending too much money :( Then went to Popular to buy my CiYu SouCes and couldn't resist buying pen refills. Okay, I NEEDED them since I dropped my pen ONCE and it refused to work again :(
Then a not just hungry, but ravenous Priscilla HAD TO HAD TO buy her dinner, and she decided on SUBWAY! And couldn't resist buying a cookie :D And I was so hungry I had to eat it the moment I got out of the train woohoo! Subway seriously made my day :) :) :)
So after spending close to 50bucks, and my allowance is like, 100bucks, I'm like. BROKE. 50bucks will never buy me enough food for February! Nah just kidding. I'm sure I can always claim back money with the wonders of receipts! :)
Church after that. It was pretty okay I guess. (:
And another highlight of the day? My mummy bought me HONEY STARS! So as you can tell, Priscilla enjoys her food a lot, so don't go around thinking she's anorexic okay? :) Goodnight everyone!
Wait Outside
Date Created: 160208
Image taken by Sherylene
Image Hosted by Flickr
Lyrics in image by All Time Low, Jasey Rae
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